Love manifests itself in creation. Creation of life, relationship, experience. I believe we come into this world creating.
I'm most alive when I'm in community, creating something that matters (Photo by Josh Davis)
My photography and writing are expressions of love and my desire to experience and reveal love at its core.
I’m fascinated by light, edges, curves, darkness, shadows. My earliest memories are of light and colors, how light bends, how I see reflections everywhere.
My photography captures what I see – beauty in everything. My photography reveals a piece of me and how I see the world.
Writing sharpens and focuses my thinking. My verbal speech is verbose, my writing style blunt. Brevity is my watchword. My love affair with poetry began somewhere in my early teens. I read Dylan Thomas, TS Elliott, ee cummings, Walt Whitman, Adrienne Rich, Emily Dickinson. I listened to the poetry weavings of Joni Mitchell, Bob Dylan, Jim Morrison, Carole King.
I love words – how they sound, connecting words in phrases to transport one inside a feeling, a knowing, an understanding of thought. I find connection in poetry, story, verse. For me, cadence, rhythm, alliteration are my punctuation.